Political campaign strategy firm

Longview Reads

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Political campaign strategy firm

Like many communities since 2020, Longview-area businesses have faced significant challenges in recruiting an adequate workforce. Leaders in the Longview Chamber of Commerce recognized that this difficulty would only worsen if they didn’t invest in the future workforce to ensure that future employees and business leaders have the skills to succeed.

To address this challenge, Chamber leaders enlisted CWJ Strategies to help develop the LongviewREADS initiative. This program aims to connect the business community with schools and nonprofits to improve reading outcomes among Longview area students. CWJ crafted a comprehensive campaign around LongviewREADS to educate business and community leaders about the initiative and secure their buy-in and participation.

The program was launched at the 2023 State of the Workforce event, and it has already fostered meaningful connections between businesses and students. LongviewREADS is a visionary, long-term project that promises to yield significant benefits for the future of East Texas, ensuring a skilled and capable workforce for years to come.