As 2023 came to a close, leaders at The Discovery Science Place (DSP) recognized the need to refresh their strategic plan to keep the organization moving forward. Ready to rethink and refine their goals, the DSP team invited CWJ Strategies to lead a visionary process...
Case Studies
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Longview Reads
Like many communities since 2020, Longview-area businesses have faced significant challenges in recruiting an adequate workforce. Leaders in the Longview Chamber of Commerce recognized that this difficulty would only worsen if they didn't invest in the future...
City of Whitehouse
Anyone who has ever voted in a municipal referendum election knows the ballot language can be as difficult to decipher as ancient hieroglyphics. Voter confusion often leads to failure because when individuals do not understand what the city aims to achieve, the safest...
Daniel Alders for Texas House
When six-term State Representative Matt Schaefer decided to step away from the Legislature, Daniel Alders wanted to be ready to take his place. To help ensure his success, Alders engaged the CWJ team. With the help of CWJ, Alders launched a full-scale public campaign...
Moss: Where Flowers are Fair
Mother-daughter duo Paige McGuffey and Meagan Lissner opened Moss: Where Flowers are Fair to offer customers an opportunity to display their creativity when celebrating an event, giving a gift to a friend, or decorating their home. After operating successfully for 10...
Mary’s Alterations
When Georgia Harris worked at Mary's Alterations in 2010, she dreamed of one day owning the business. In 2023, when the opportunity arose, she seized it with a determination to elevate the already successful and reputable establishment. To achieve her ambitious...
Vote Yes for LISD Kids PAC
When the Longview ISD school board called a bond election for May 4, 2024, even the District's most ardent supporters were doubtful about its chances of success. This was the third attempt to secure approval for critical facilities and repairs. The previous two...
Lloyd Nichols for City Council
City Council seats in Tyler, Texas can quickly become hotly contested, leading to expensive campaigns. So, when Marine veteran and longstanding local business owner and community volunteer Lloyd Nichols hired the CWJ team, the first order of business was to make a big...
Bulldog Strong PAC
Despite numerous attempts, in 2022, Chapel Hill Independent School District (CHISD) hadn’t passed a bond election in 15 years, resulting in significant safety concerns and inadequate facilities for their students. Seeing the great need for better schools, a group of...
Nathaniel Moran for U.S. Congress
Most Congressional races for open seats begin a year or more before Election Day. Smith County Judge Nathaniel Moran had just over 90 days to introduce himself to the roughly 585,000 potential voters of Texas Congressional District 1. CWJ Strategies hit the ground...
The McGuire Firm
The McGuire Firm was already seeing quite a lot of success prior to partnering with the CWJ team but wanted to continue to grow and tap into a new client base. After thoroughly auditing the firm’s practices, the CWJ team devised a strategy to increase outreach via...
NEXT Life Sciences
When NEXT Life Sciences acquired the male contraceptive product, Vasalgel, they sought the right group to help develop a strategy for the rollout in this sensitive and potentially controversial space. CWJ Strategies came on board to assist the start-up with the right...
Fisch College of Pharmacy at UT Tyler
In late 2012, The University of Texas at Tyler sought to establish a College of Pharmacy. At that time, the Commissioner of Higher Education stated no additional Colleges of Pharmacy would be approved in the State of Texas. However, business, hospital, and community...
Austin Reeve Jackson, 114th District Court Judge
After his opponent got out to an early lead in endorsements, name ID, and fundraising, Austin Reeve Jackson needed the right team to lead his campaign for the 114th District Court. CWJ Strategies used a combination of strong messaging, tried-and-true campaign tactics,...